
This is just one of my favorite things



Não só quem nos odeia ou nos inveja
Nos limita e oprime; quem nos ama
Não menos nos limita.
Que os deuses me concedam que, despido
De afectos, tenha a fria liberdade
Dos píncaros sem nada.
Quem quer pouco, tem tudo; quem quer nada
E livre; quem não tem, e não deseja,
Homem é igual aos deuses.


Sickness arises from total involvement
in the process of misunderstanding
from beginningless time.
It arises from the passions
that result from unreal mental constructions,
and hence ultimately nothing is perceived
which can be said to be sick.
What is the elimination of this sickness?
It is the elimination of egoism and possessiveness.
What is the elimination of egoism and possessiveness?
It is the freedom from dualism.
What is freedom from dualism?
It is the absence of involvement
with either the external or the internal.
What is absence of involvement
with either external or internal?
It is non-deviation, non-fluctuation,
and non-distraction from equanimity.
What is equanimity?
It is the equality of everything from self to liberation.

Buddhism holy teachings of the vimalakirtit


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